A while back, Sitevision decided to replace the version with a hash in the output, and after that, they removed it altogether. I believe they did it for security reasons, but it's still a shame since it made debugging slightly easier.
I often find myself skimming through the source code, searching for the current version of the application being used. Mostly because I need it while developing new features or squashing bugs.
Since I primarily work with Sitevision, I decided to whip together this simple website that could do the work for me.
The easiest way to determine the version of Sitevision is by finding a script tag looking like the one below.
window.sv = window.sv || {};
sv.PageContext = {
pageId: '2.1e4e512b16a985f908e63',
siteId: '2.1e4e512b16a985f908e63',
userIdentityId: '',
userIdentityReadTimeout: 0,
userLocale: 'sv',
versionPath: '6.2.1-230',
dev: false,
csrfToken: '',
html5: true,
useServerSideEvents: false,
nodeIsReadOnly: false
Now – if that one is missing – you could always rely on linked assets in the head section. There are usually multiple stylesheets and scripts like the following one.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/sitevision/6.2.1-230/envision/envision.css" />
Try it out by checking which version my employer – limepark.se– uses.
Sitevision version checker